

一般学生都会分两种,有申请签证的(visa applicant)和持有签证的(student visa holder ) 这两种人办理的事情也不一样. 一,什么是申请签证?(applicant) 这部分的人是指还没出国,但是已经拿到了学校的offer, 交了学费,并且拿到了COE的学生们. 这些人在澳洲还没有永久居民权(PR)或者公民身份(Citizenship), 所以他们来澳洲的目的是为了上学,所以他们的临时入境签证也是用来用来学习的.

二,什么是持有签证? (student visa holders) 拿到这种签证的同学,都是已经在澳洲读满两年及以上时间的学生, 但是他们没有澳洲居留权. 那为什么这些人还要继续呆在澳洲呢 原因也很简单,就是因为他们不想放弃自己的移民前景.......因为只要他们在澳洲完成至少两年的学习,就可以申请移民!

1,573(subclass157) - this is a visa that allows students to work while they are studying in Australia, and after their course finishes. This visa has no age limit or skills requirement; however it does have other restrictions which means you must meet specific conditions when you apply for the visa.

2,485(subclass 485) - this visa was introduced by the Australian Government on March 19th, 2011 following a number of students who left Australia before completing their studies due to poor financial circumstances. The visa is valid for two years from the date of grant;it gives students access to all occupations listed as'skilled'on the migration programme. However, only students who were at least one year into their Bachelor degree could apply for the visa during its first phase, with others having to wait until February 2013 (phase three). In order to be eligible for this visa,you need to have completed your study program within four years of being admitted into an institution as a student——although if you studied more than four years but less than six, then you can still apply if you had a genuine reason for not graduating sooner. You also need to maintain ties to Australia throughout the duration of the visa. If you want to live outside the metropolitan areas of Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane and Perth – where there are many jobs available – then you will qualify for a 'Regional Provision’ (which reduces the minimum required stay in regional areas to two months per year),whereas those living in these major cities would require five months of stay in either metro towns or rural/regional areas each year. Finally,if you successfully complete a graduate certificate,graduate diploma or master\s level qualification,then you can apply


1. 学生签,F-1或者M-1的,这是去美国学习的签证;







8.Q-1科学研究人员签证 9.R-1宗教人士签证 R-1是之前R-1A和R-1B两类签证合起来的统称 现在这两个签证单独存在了。
