R字头的签证 ,是入境许可 (Entri) 的简称 R-A, 适用于在批准信有效期内申请入境的申请人. R-G, 适用于根据“全球通”计划(Global Travel Scheme) 来新旅行的申请人. “全球通”是一个与新加坡互免签证的计划.
这个计划的成员国公民,持护照和有效的机票或者行程单可以无需签证进入新加坡. 目前在“全球通”中包括美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,日本等20多个国家或地区的人民. 而中国并没有加入此计划。 中国国民仍然需要签证才能去新加坡. 如果您的护照有此签证, 这项字母将不会显示在上面.
所以如果您的护照上有此签证, 在填写入境卡时, 请留意不要填错. 另外,请注意,虽然签证字母为“D”,但在入境时海关人员一般不会要求客人出示其原件; 但字母为"E", "F","H"或"L"时,入境时则必须提供他们的原件了! 因为这些是属于有效多次往返签证。 所以请务必要准备好相关文件的复印件并随身携带以备不时之需哦~
S-V : Valid for Singapore Visa on Arrival ; 适用于在新加坡机场办理落地签的旅客 B-I : Visitor’s Pass On Arrival (Bordereau d'entree); 适用于通过航空或者海路从第三国来到本国的旅客, 持有1次或者是数次入境签证. D-N : Deputised Non-Immigrant Entry Permit with No Reference Number ;
Deputized Visitors' Passes are issued to non-immigrant visitors who will transit through but not leave Singapore within a period of seven days from the date of entry into Singapore, and do not require any prior visa application at all. They can only be arranged by their tour agents or travel companies after they have secured a valid ticket and itinerary in order to avoid overstayers. Such deputized visas cannot be extended, transferred nor reissued if lost. The validity time is normally the same as that of the passport, however it might vary depending on what kind of documents the applicant provided during his/her immigration process. If your passport expires before you leave Singapore, please ensure that such circumstance has been declared when submitting your application form. You may also need to provide additional supporting docs like an airline or hotel reservation receipt showing that you intend to depart this country safely. ;这类签证允许你过境新加坡而不离开但不可延期,转移或是重发。 此类签证不能自己向移民局申请而要由旅行社代办。 对于这种类型的落地签证, 移民局是根据申请者当时所持资料的真假以及所给资料的质量来决定签证有效期的长短, 一般情况与护照有效期相同,但也有例外。如果你的护照快到期了,一定要记得告诉旅行社你的真实情况。此外还需要额外文件如飞机票酒店预订证明以保障你的安全.
Z-T : Transit Visas ; 只适用于过境者(乘客) F-P : Short Term Visit Pass For Foreigners Under Employment With A Long Term Pass Holder (Foreign EMPLOYEE OF LOCAL PERSON WITH LONG TERM VISITORS'); 这个主要是针对外国劳工和外国雇员家属的入境签证类别, 一般来说,该类签证不允许您在本地工作,只能接受雇主安排。 G-J : 旅游签证