英国硕士分两类,一类是 Taught master’s 授课型 硕士,一类是 Research master’s 研究型 硕士。
Taught master's courses are the more popular of the two and are for students who want a well-rounded graduate degree. These masters' degrees take one year to complete and usually involve extensive use of lectures, seminars, practical sessions etc. The content is often divided into taught modules with each module consisting of a series of weekly lessons from which you will have to gain a pass mark in order to pass that particular module. You then have the option of doing a dissertation or project as part of your final masters' degree. The research master's course has been designed for those students who wish to undertake independent research work under supervision into an area of their choice. This type of programme generally requires less contact hours than the taught master’s but does require more self-directed learning on the student’s part. In some cases there may be limited opportunities for group work so it is important to check this before selecting a course. There can also be different requirements depending on where the university is situated,比如曼彻斯特大学,在Manchester 校区的所有研究生都是要上全天的讲座和小组讨论课的;而在伦敦校区的研究生则可以自由选择上午或者下午上课,具体取决于课程设置。
另外值得注意的是不管是 Taught Master's 还是 Research Masters' 都属于 postgraduate study 所以完成这些课程之后会获得 Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma。但是如果是本科毕业后直接读的Master's 则可以获得Master's Degree。