雅思口语考试总共4个部分,每个部分15分钟 雅思口语考试时间安排: 09:30—12:30 (上午场) 13:30—16:30 (下午场) (注:具体考试时间以官方公布为准) 一般上午场的最后一场和下午场的第一场是留给大家准备过渡用的,时间大概十分钟左右,真正答题的时间每个部分十五分钟。
Part 1、2题目由电脑随机抽题,没有题本和草稿纸。Part 3有题本但不允许做笔记。在答题过程中,考官会根据情况对你进行追问。不过不用害怕,追问的问题通常与答案本身有关,而且问题都很简单。
Part 1话题:
①Describe a personal achievement that you are proud of.
②Tell us about a time when your home or family was broken into/robbed.
③Is there anything you like to do on a weekend in winter?
④What is the best gift you have ever given to someone else and why did you choose it?
⑤If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
⑥What kind of books/magazines do you usually read?
⑦What’s the most impressive building you've been to?
⑧What mobile(smart)phone model do you use and why?
⑨Do you think college is a good choice for high school students? 为什么选择这个学校而不选择其他的?
⑩Does money influence your decision to travel alone or with others? 你旅行时是一个人还是一群人?
⑪如果父母不让你做一件事情你会怎么做? ⑫如果你考上研究生,想研究什么方向?为什么? ⑬你为什么想申请这个学校? ⑭你为什么要学习这门学科?
⑮你对当今中国高等教育最大的质疑是什么?如何解决它们? ⑯你未来的职业规划是什么?